Monday, November 30, 2020

NASA Awards Contract for Flight and Integration Services

NASA has selected Virgin Galactic LLC of Las Cruces, New Mexico, and Masten Space Systems Inc. of Mojave, California, to provide flight and integration services for payloads chosen by the agency’s Flight Opportunities program, which is managed at the agency’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California.

November 30, 2020
from NASA

NPR News: New Zealand Charges 13 Parties Over Deaths At White Island Volcano

New Zealand Charges 13 Parties Over Deaths At White Island Volcano
A work safety agency says last year's eruption, which killed 22 people, was unexpected, but it wasn't unforeseeable. The tragedy struck at New Zealand's most active volcano.

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NPR News: More Good News For Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate

More Good News For Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate
Biotech company Moderna has new data reinforcing that its COVID-19 inoculation is safe and effective. The company is submitting an application to the FDA Monday requesting emergency use authorization.

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NPR News: More Good News For Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate

More Good News For Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate
Biotech company Moderna has new data reinforcing that its COVID-19 inoculation is safe and effective. The company is submitting an application to the FDA Monday requesting emergency use authorization.

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Sunday, November 29, 2020

NPR News: Who Is Mary Nicholes, Leading Contender To Head EPA Under Biden

Who Is Mary Nicholes, Leading Contender To Head EPA Under Biden
Mary Nichols was in charge of California's Air Resources Board for the past 13 years.

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NPR News: Who Is Mary Nicholes, Leading Contender To Head EPA Under Biden

Who Is Mary Nicholes, Leading Contender To Head EPA Under Biden
Mary Nichols was in charge of California's Air Resources Board for the past 13 years.

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Saturday, November 28, 2020

NPR News: The Tough Road To Rebuild A Historic Cabin, Memories After Wildfire Ruin

The Tough Road To Rebuild A Historic Cabin, Memories After Wildfire Ruin
A wildfire destroyed historic cabins in the Angeles National Forest in September. For some families, these homes were their ties to the past.

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NPR News: Trump Administration Moves To Sell Drilling Rights To Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife

Trump Administration Moves To Sell Drilling Rights To Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife
The Trump administration aims to end a decades-long battle by rushing to sell oil rights in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. We look at what's next, and what could stop the push to drill.

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Friday, November 27, 2020

NPR News: For Rats That Coat Themselves In Poison, These Rodents Are Surprisingly Cuddly

For Rats That Coat Themselves In Poison, These Rodents Are Surprisingly Cuddly
The African crested rat's fuzzy fur has hairs loaded with a poison that can purportedly fell an elephant. But these rats turn out to be social, affectionate creatures.

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NPR News: For Rats That Coat Themselves In Poison, These Rodents Are Surprisingly Cuddly

For Rats That Coat Themselves In Poison, These Rodents Are Surprisingly Cuddly
The African crested rat's fuzzy fur has hairs loaded with a poison that can purportedly fell an elephant. But these rats turn out to be social, affectionate creatures.

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NPR News: A Garden Is The Frontline In The Fight Against Racial Inequality And Disease

A Garden Is The Frontline In The Fight Against Racial Inequality And Disease
North Minneapolis's mostly minority community lost its only grocery store this summer. It's a neighborhood grappling with heart disease, obesity and COVID-19. A Garden may help.

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NPR News: Why Asking People To Change Their Behavior During The Pandemic Is So Hard

Why Asking People To Change Their Behavior During The Pandemic Is So Hard
To control the virus, some officials are forgoing rules or mandates and instead are relying on individuals to do the right thing. So what motivates behavior change, and what falls short?

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Thursday, November 26, 2020

NPR News: Researchers Predict That Autumn Leaves Might Start Falling Earlier In The Future

Researchers Predict That Autumn Leaves Might Start Falling Earlier In The Future
Researchers say fall leaves may start falling a few days earlier in the future and it could have global implications for climate change.

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NPR News: Researchers Predict That Autumn Leaves Might Start Falling Earlier In The Future

Researchers Predict That Autumn Leaves Might Start Falling Earlier In The Future
Researchers say fall leaves may start falling a few days earlier in the future and it could have global implications for climate change.

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NPR News: Researchers Predict That Autumn Leaves Might Start Falling Earlier In The Future

Researchers Predict That Autumn Leaves Might Start Falling Earlier In The Future
Researchers say fall leaves may start falling a few days earlier in the future and it could have global implications for climate change.

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NPR News: There's No Stopping These Seniors; Even A Pandemic Can't Bring Them Down

There's No Stopping These Seniors; Even A Pandemic Can't Bring Them Down
Older people are more vulnerable to severe COVID-19. But recent research reveals older populations are less consumed by pandemic depression than those that are younger.

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NPR News: Biden's Next Climate Chief Will Tackle 'Existential Threat' At Home

Biden's Next Climate Chief Will Tackle 'Existential Threat' At Home
Biden says he'll name someone to coordinate domestic climate policies across the government. Together with climate envoy John Kerry, it will give climate a higher profile than in past administrations.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

NPR News: Army Corps of Engineers Denies Permit To Controversial Alaska Gold Mine

Army Corps of Engineers Denies Permit To Controversial Alaska Gold Mine
Fishermen and tribes have been fighting the mine proposal for a decade, fearing it would harm the wild sockeye salmon at the heart of the area's economy and culture.

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NPR News: Nice Car, But How Do You Charge That Thing? Let Us Count The Ways

Nice Car, But How Do You Charge That Thing? Let Us Count The Ways
Most charging actually happens at home, but concerns about how to juice up are tripping up would-be buyers. A lot is on the line for automakers.

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NPR News: Trump Administration Rejects Pebble Mine Project In Alaska

Trump Administration Rejects Pebble Mine Project In Alaska
In a major reversal, the Trump administration has denied a permit for the massive Pebble Mine project in Alaska. The Army Corps of Engineers said it was "contrary to the public interest."

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NPR News: Having A Group Thanksgiving? Here's How To Think About Safety

Having A Group Thanksgiving? Here's How To Think About Safety
The safest way to have Thanksgiving this year is to stay in your social bubble. But those traveling to gather with friends and loved ones should keep pandemic safety guidelines in mind.

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NPR News: Having A Group Thanksgiving? Here's How To Think About Safety

Having A Group Thanksgiving? Here's How To Think About Safety
The safest way to have Thanksgiving this year is to stay in your social bubble. But those traveling to gather with friends and loved ones should keep pandemic safety guidelines in mind.

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NPR News: A Kid, A Minor Bike Accident And A $19,000 Medical Bill

A Kid, A Minor Bike Accident And A $19,000 Medical Bill
It was a surprise even for a family of lawyers. A process called "subrogation" began with a Nevada family's health insurer denying their claim for an ER visit after their 9-year-old fell off his bike.

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NPR News: Rebuilding After A Wildfire? Most States Don't Require Fire-Resistant Materials

Rebuilding After A Wildfire? Most States Don't Require Fire-Resistant Materials
Homeowners are rebuilding after wildfires, but many won't be required by governments to use fire-resistant materials. Without such improvements, communities face harm again with the next fire.

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NPR News: Rebuilding After A Wildfire? Most States Don't Require Fire-Resistant Materials

Rebuilding After A Wildfire? Most States Don't Require Fire-Resistant Materials
Homeowners are rebuilding after wildfires, but many won't be required by governments to use fire-resistant materials. Without such improvements, communities face harm again with the next fire.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

NPR News: Initial Batch Of COVID-19 Vaccines Will Go To States Based On Population, Not Risk

Initial Batch Of COVID-19 Vaccines Will Go To States Based On Population, Not Risk
Operation Warp Speed is allocating the first batch of 6.4 million COVID vaccines to states, based on population. This circumvents a CDC advisory committee, which proposed allocation based on risk.

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NASA TV Coverage Set for Next Space Station Resupply Mission with SpaceX

NASA commercial cargo provider SpaceX is targeting 11:39 a.m. EST Saturday, Dec. 5, for the launch of its 21st commercial resupply services (CRS-21) mission to the International Space Station from Launch Complex 39A at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

November 24, 2020
from NASA

NPR News: Missing Ink: Darwin Notebooks, Long Unseen, Now Believed Stolen

Missing Ink: Darwin Notebooks, Long Unseen, Now Believed Stolen
Cambridge University Library said Tuesday that two of the naturalist's notebooks have been missing for nearly two decades. Now, the library has told local police that they "have likely been stolen."

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Monday, November 23, 2020

NPR News: John Kerry Tapped For Newly Created Role As Presidential Climate Envoy

John Kerry Tapped For Newly Created Role As Presidential Climate Envoy
Environmental groups praise Kerry for his decades of climate work, including negotiating the Paris agreement. He will face challenges after four years of a diminished U.S. role in climate diplomacy.

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NPR News: John Kerry Tapped For Newly Created Role As Presidential Climate Envoy

John Kerry Tapped For Newly Created Role As Presidential Climate Envoy
Environmental groups praise Kerry for his decades of climate work, including negotiating the Paris agreement. He will face challenges after four years of a diminished U.S. role in climate diplomacy.

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NPR News: 'Waste' Activist Digs Into The Sanitation Crisis Affecting The Rural Poor

'Waste' Activist Digs Into The Sanitation Crisis Affecting The Rural Poor
In 2017, a study reported one in three people in one rural Alabama county had been exposed to hookworm. Catherine Coleman Flowers says the study reveals big gaps in sanitation in rural America.

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NPR News: FDA Approves First Drug For A Rapid Aging Disorder In Children

FDA Approves First Drug For A Rapid Aging Disorder In Children
A newly approved drug can extend the lives of children with progeria, a rare disorder that causes rapid aging. The drug is the result of one family's effort to help a child with the fatal condition.

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NPR News: FDA Approves First Drug For A Rapid Aging Disorder In Children

FDA Approves First Drug For A Rapid Aging Disorder In Children
A newly approved drug can extend the lives of children with progeria, a rare disorder that causes rapid aging. The drug is the result of one family's effort to help a child with the fatal condition.

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NPR News: Mask Mandates Work To Slow Spread Of Coronavirus, Kansas Study Finds

Mask Mandates Work To Slow Spread Of Coronavirus, Kansas Study Finds
When the state of Kansas issued a mask mandate, 81 counties opted out. Researchers found coronavirus infection rates rose sharply in the opt-out counties, while falling in those that required masks.

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NPR News: Mask Mandates Work To Slow Spread Of Coronavirus, Kansas Study Finds

Mask Mandates Work To Slow Spread Of Coronavirus, Kansas Study Finds
When the state of Kansas issued a mask mandate, 81 counties opted out. Researchers found coronavirus infection rates rose sharply in the opt-out counties, while falling in those that required masks.

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Sunday, November 22, 2020

NPR News: China Moon Mission Will Try To Bring Back The First Lunar Rocks In Decades

China Moon Mission Will Try To Bring Back The First Lunar Rocks In Decades
The Chang'e-5 mission will attempt to bring back rock and soil samples from a previously unexplored part of the moon, helping scientists better understand its volcanic history.

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NPR News: FDA Grants Emergency Authorization For A Second COVID-19 Antibody Treatment

FDA Grants Emergency Authorization For A Second COVID-19 Antibody Treatment
The experimental cocktail from the bio-tech company Regeneron is the same drug President Trump got when he was battling the coronvirus earlier this year. It is designed for mild to moderate cases.

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NPR News: FDA Approves First Drug For Rare, Rapid-Aging Genetic Disorder

FDA Approves First Drug For Rare, Rapid-Aging Genetic Disorder
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a treatment for progeria, a genetic disorder that causes children to age rapidly. Zokinvy is the first drug approved by the agency for the disorder.

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NPR News: Scientists Want To Bring Loons Back To Massachusetts

Scientists Want To Bring Loons Back To Massachusetts
Scientists are trying to restore the range of loons. The iconic birds vanished from Massachusetts lakes decades ago. Loons from Maine are being moved back to those places, and the plan is working.

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NPR News: Pandemic Pet Therapy: What's So Special About A Critter Friend?

Pandemic Pet Therapy: What's So Special About A Critter Friend?
"Relationships with animals are simple," notes one researcher. In a year when life feels fraught, pets have been healers, helping human companions get exercise, quell anxiety and make new friends.

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NPR News: Climate Change Closes In On Lebanon's Iconic Cedar Trees

Climate Change Closes In On Lebanon's Iconic Cedar Trees
A symbol of Lebanon's resilience through its long, turbulent history, the country's towering cedars now face increasing threats from wildfire and parasites, both fueled by global warming.

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NPR News: Pandemic Pet Therapy: What's So Special About A Critter Friend?

Pandemic Pet Therapy: What's So Special About A Critter Friend?
"Relationships with animals are simple," notes one researcher. In a year when life feels fraught, pets have been healers, helping human companions get exercise, quell anxiety and make new friends.

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Saturday, November 21, 2020

NPR News: A Look At COVID-19 Vaccine Development Progress

A Look At COVID-19 Vaccine Development Progress
The race to develop COVID-19 vaccines is moving swiftly, both nationally and internationally. But challenges remain when it comes to distributing vaccines around the world.

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NPR News: A Look At COVID-19 Vaccine Development Progress

A Look At COVID-19 Vaccine Development Progress
The race to develop COVID-19 vaccines is moving swiftly, both nationally and internationally. But challenges remain when it comes to distributing vaccines around the world.

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NASA, US and European Partners Launch Mission to Monitor Global Ocean

A joint U.S.-European satellite built to monitor global sea levels lifted off on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California Saturday at 9:17 a.m. PST (12:17 p.m. EST).

November 21, 2020
from NASA

NPR News: Climate Justice Fund Counters 'Centuries Of Underinvestment'

Climate Justice Fund Counters 'Centuries Of Underinvestment'
Portland, Oregon, will fund clean energy in communities that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. That's an idea that's part of President-elect Joe Biden's sweeping climate plan.

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Friday, November 20, 2020

NPR News: Why Does A Virus Cause Problems In One Region But Not Another? A Study Offers Insight

Why Does A Virus Cause Problems In One Region But Not Another? A Study Offers Insight
In 2015, the mosquito-borne virus Zika exploded in South America. Health experts predicted it would erupt in Africa. But a major outbreak never happened. Now scientists think they understand why.

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NPR News: Why Does A Virus Cause Problems In One Region But Not Another? A Study Offers Insight

Why Does A Virus Cause Problems In One Region But Not Another? A Study Offers Insight
In 2015, the mosquito-borne virus Zika exploded in South America. Health experts predicted it would erupt in Africa. But a major outbreak never happened. Now scientists think they understand why.

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NPR News: Farmers Are Warming Up To The Fight Against Climate Change

Farmers Are Warming Up To The Fight Against Climate Change
Several big farm groups, traditionally hostile to environmental regulations, are now working with environmental advocates in support of farmer-friendly actions to reduce carbon emissions.

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NPR News: Farmers Are Warming Up To The Fight Against Climate Change

Farmers Are Warming Up To The Fight Against Climate Change
Several big farm groups, traditionally hostile to environmental regulations, are now working with environmental advocates in support of farmer-friendly actions to reduce carbon emissions.

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NPR News: El Paso County Posts Job Opening For Morgue Workers As Virus Death Toll Mounts

El Paso County Posts Job Opening For Morgue Workers As Virus Death Toll Mounts
"The Morgue Attendant will be provided maximum PPE, will be tasked with physically moving bodies, and will require the ability to lift between 100-400 lbs. with assistance," the job listing states.

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Thursday, November 19, 2020

NPR News: World-Renowned Arecibo Radio Telescope Set To Be Dismantled

World-Renowned Arecibo Radio Telescope Set To Be Dismantled
Arecibo has been a vital resource for radio astronomy, astrophysics, atmospheric studies and solar system astronomy. Now, it's set to close due to structural damage.

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NPR News: NASA Satellite To Measure Global Sea Level Rise

NASA Satellite To Measure Global Sea Level Rise
Space is the best place — maybe the only place — to get a complete picture of how climate change is affecting the Earth's oceans. And what happens in the ocean does not stay in the ocean.

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NPR News: NASA Satellite To Measure Global Sea Level Rise

NASA Satellite To Measure Global Sea Level Rise
Space is the best place — maybe the only place — to get a complete picture of how climate change is affecting the Earth's oceans. And what happens in the ocean does not stay in the ocean.

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NPR News: COVID-19 Denial Still Rampant In Some Virus Hotspots

COVID-19 Denial Still Rampant In Some Virus Hotspots
Efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus are being hampered by the fact that many people don't believe it's real. "It's absolute garbage," said Craig Mann of Flathead County in northwest Montana.

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NPR News: Climate Activists Want Biden To Bar Appointees With Fossil Fuel Ties

Climate Activists Want Biden To Bar Appointees With Fossil Fuel Ties
Climate activists say Biden's staff picks are a sign of his seriousness about tackling the issue. But banning anyone with fossil fuel ties could wipe out a lot of experience in getting things done.

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NPR News: COVID-19 Denial Still Rampant In Some Virus Hotspots

COVID-19 Denial Still Rampant In Some Virus Hotspots
Efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus are being hampered by the fact that many people don't believe it's real. "It's absolute garbage," said Craig Mann of Flathead County in northwest Montana.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

NPR News: Scientists Discover Outer Space Isn't Pitch Black After All

Scientists Discover Outer Space Isn't Pitch Black After All
Scientists have used a NASA probe way out in space, beyond Pluto, to measure visible light that's not connected to any known source like stars or galaxies.

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NPR News: Scientists Discover Outer Space Isn't Pitch Black After All

Scientists Discover Outer Space Isn't Pitch Black After All
Scientists have used a NASA probe way out in space, beyond Pluto, to measure visible light that's not connected to any known source like stars or galaxies.

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NPR News: 2020 Hurricane Season Sets New Devastating Records And Is Not Over Yet

2020 Hurricane Season Sets New Devastating Records And Is Not Over Yet
Hurricane Iota was the most powerful hurricane ever recorded this late in the Atlantic hurricane season. This year has already broken the record for the most named storms, and the season isn't over.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

NASA Hosts Virtual Event to Leverage STEM, Small Business Opportunities with Minority Colleges

Media are invited to NASA’s 15th annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)/Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Technology Infusion Road Tour, a virtual event Nov. 18 and 19.

November 17, 2020
from NASA

NPR News: Surgical Care Is Not Great For The Environment. Can It Be More Sustainable?

Surgical Care Is Not Great For The Environment. Can It Be More Sustainable?
With surgical care on the rise globally, researchers worry the energy-consuming procedures will have a negative impact on the climate. But they say there are ways to make them more energy-efficient.

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NPR News: Deep Sleep Protects Against Alzheimer's, Growing Evidence Shows

Deep Sleep Protects Against Alzheimer's, Growing Evidence Shows
People who get more deep sleep appear less likely to develop Alzheimer's. That may be because this phase of sleep allows the brain clears out waste products.

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NPR News: Deep Sleep Protects Against Alzheimer's, Growing Evidence Shows

Deep Sleep Protects Against Alzheimer's, Growing Evidence Shows
People who get more deep sleep appear less likely to develop Alzheimer's. That may be because this phase of sleep allows the brain clears out waste products.

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NASA Highlights Science, New Airlock on Next Space Station Resupply Mission

NASA will host a media teleconference at 1 p.m. EST Friday, Nov. 20, to discuss science investigations and a new privately funded airlock launching on SpaceX’s 21st commercial cargo resupply mission for the agency to the International Space Station.

November 17, 2020
from NASA

NPR News: Hurricane Iota, Weakening But Dangerous, Slams An Already Sodden Central America

Hurricane Iota, Weakening But Dangerous, Slams An Already Sodden Central America
Iota diminished to a Category 1 hurricane within hours of its landfall in Nicaragua. Still, as the second strong storm to hit the region in as many weeks, Iota bears grave dangers for residents.

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Monday, November 16, 2020

NPR News: 4 Astronauts Aboard SpaceX Crew Dragon Successfully Dock With Space Station

4 Astronauts Aboard SpaceX Crew Dragon Successfully Dock With Space Station
Three NASA astronauts and one from Japan's space agency reached the ISS after a 27-hour flight following Sunday's liftoff from the Kennedy Space Center.

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NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 Astronauts Arrive at Space Station, NASA Leaders and Crew to Discuss Mission

The SpaceX Crew Dragon Resilience successfully docked to the International Space Station at 11 p.m. EST Monday, transporting NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover, Shannon Walker, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Soichi Noguchi.

November 17, 2020
from NASA

NASA Receives 10th Consecutive Clean Financial Audit Opinion

NASA has received an unmodified audit opinion on its Fiscal Year 2020 financial statements, marking the 10th consecutive "clean" opinion from an external auditor – the highest opinion that may be received.

November 16, 2020
from NASA

NPR News: Trump Administration Rushes To Sell Oil Rights In Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Trump Administration Rushes To Sell Oil Rights In Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Officials hope to auction off leases before President-elect Joe Biden takes office. He has pledged to protect the pristine landscape that's home to polar bears and migrating caribou.

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NPR News: 'More People May Die': Biden Chides Trump For Blocking Presidential Transition

'More People May Die': Biden Chides Trump For Blocking Presidential Transition
President-elect Biden focused his plan for recovering the pandemic-battered U.S. economy on getting the coronavirus under control.

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NPR News: Scientists Discover A Link Between Lack Of Deep Sleep And Alzheimer's Disease

Scientists Discover A Link Between Lack Of Deep Sleep And Alzheimer's Disease
There's growing evidence that a lack of deep sleep increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Scientists say that's because during deep sleep, the brain removes toxins associated with Alzheimer's.

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NPR News: Scientists Discover A Link Between Lack Of Deep Sleep And Alzheimer's Disease

Scientists Discover A Link Between Lack Of Deep Sleep And Alzheimer's Disease
There's growing evidence that a lack of deep sleep increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Scientists say that's because during deep sleep, the brain removes toxins associated with Alzheimer's.

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NPR News: Just For Kids: How To Stay Safe From The Coronavirus

Just For Kids: How To Stay Safe From The Coronavirus
A comic guide on how to kids can protect themselves from COVID-19. Wear a mask. Stay six feet apart. And (try not to) pick your nose.

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 Astronauts Headed to International Space Station

An international crew of astronauts is en route to the International Space Station following a successful launch on the first NASA-certified commercial human spacecraft system in history.

November 16, 2020
from NASA

NPR News: Liftoff! Astronauts Head To Space Station On SpaceX Rocket

Liftoff! Astronauts Head To Space Station On SpaceX Rocket
Four astronauts are flying to the International Space Station aboard SpaceX's Dragon crew capsule. The mission is the first of what NASA hopes are many.

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NPR News: Biden COVID Advisor Says Restrictions Should Be More Of A 'Dial,' Less Of A 'Switch'

Biden COVID Advisor Says Restrictions Should Be More Of A 'Dial,' Less Of A 'Switch'
Dr. Vivek Murthy, co-chair of President-elect Joe Biden's coronavirus advisory board, says past lockdowns functioned like a "blunt axe" that led to spotty compliance and "little public health gain."

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Saturday, November 14, 2020

NPR News: U.S. Adds 184,000 Coronavirus Cases In One Day, With No End In Sight

U.S. Adds 184,000 Coronavirus Cases In One Day, With No End In Sight
The country set another record for daily infections. America is the world leader in COVID-19 fatalities. President-elect Joe Biden expressed alarm and urged the Trump administration to take action.

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NPR News: Joe Biden's Options To Combat Climate Change

Joe Biden's Options To Combat Climate Change
NPR's Scott Simon speaks with former Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Gina McCarthy, about what she thinks President-elect Joe Biden can do to address climate change once he's sworn in.

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NPR News: Opinion: A New Phase Of Uncertainty

Opinion: A New Phase Of Uncertainty
NPR's Scott Simon notes that as coronavirus cases in the U.S. rise rapidly, it can be hard to hear that we don't know when this will all be over.

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NPR News: A College Student's Coming Home. Should The Whole Family Wear Masks?

A College Student's Coming Home. Should The Whole Family Wear Masks?
College students are preparing to travel home for thanksgiving, but the coronavirus is making things complicated. Epidemiologists say there are things families can to do reduce the risk of infection.

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Friday, November 13, 2020

NASA Updates TV Coverage for First Crew Rotation Flight on US Commercial Spacecraft

NASA and SpaceX are now targeting 7:27 p.m. EST Sunday, Nov. 15, for liftoff of the agency’s SpaceX Crew-1 mission from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida with astronauts to the International Space Station.

November 14, 2020
from NASA

NASA TV to Air Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Launch, Prelaunch Activities

NASA is targeting 12:17 p.m. EST (9:17 a.m. PST) Saturday, Nov. 21, for the launch of the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite, the first of two identical satellites to head into Earth orbit five years apart to continue sea level observations for at least the next decade.

November 13, 2020
from NASA

NPR News: Kotchakorn Voraakhom: How Can We Better Design Cities To Fight Floods?

Kotchakorn Voraakhom: How Can We Better Design Cities To Fight Floods?
Thai landscape architect Kotchakorn Voraakhom designed a way to offset flooding in Bangkok by designing a park with underground tanks. She says her design can protect delta cities that are sinking.

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NPR News: Marwa Al-Sabouni: How Can The Architecture Of A City Play A Role In War?

Marwa Al-Sabouni: How Can The Architecture Of A City Play A Role In War?
Architect Marwa Al-Sabouni says French colonial design segregated Syria's cities and laid the groundwork for division and civil war. The future of the country may depend on how it decides to rebuild.

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NPR News: OPINION: To Solve The Pandemic, Biden Must Focus On Equity

OPINION: To Solve The Pandemic, Biden Must Focus On Equity
Doctors who helped stop Ebola call on Joe Biden's transition team to address COVID-19's racial and economic inequities. The evidence shows a safety net under the most vulnerable protects us all.

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Thursday, November 12, 2020

NASA TV Coverage Set for Russian Spacewalk

Two Russian cosmonauts are scheduled to go outside the International Space Station Wednesday, Nov. 18, to conduct a spacewalk that will initiate preparations for the arrival of a new Russian research module.

November 12, 2020
from NASA

NPR News: Fireworks Of Diwali Spark Worries About Pollution ... And Coronavirus Cases

Fireworks Of Diwali Spark Worries About Pollution ... And Coronavirus Cases
Air quality is awful in New Delhi in winter. Smoke from the fireworks of the Hindu festival of lights add to the problem. That's a cause for concern during a pandemic caused by a respiratory virus.

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NPR News: Cicadas Might Help Humans Discover New Hydrophobic Materials

Cicadas Might Help Humans Discover New Hydrophobic Materials
Cicadas can stay totally dry in the pouring rain. One researcher is trying to figure out how they do that. This finding may lead to interesting new materials for humans.

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NPR News: Cicadas Might Help Humans Discover New Hydrophobic Materials

Cicadas Might Help Humans Discover New Hydrophobic Materials
Cicadas can stay totally dry in the pouring rain. One researcher is trying to figure out how they do that. This finding may lead to interesting new materials for humans.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

NPR News: Farm Workers Say The Government Is Trying To Cut Their Wages

Farm Workers Say The Government Is Trying To Cut Their Wages
Farm worker advocates are accusing the U.S. Department of Agriculture of trying to cut the wages of farm workers who come to the U.S. on temporarily guest worker visas.

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NPR News: Farm Workers Say The Government Is Trying To Cut Their Wages

Farm Workers Say The Government Is Trying To Cut Their Wages
Farm worker advocates are accusing the U.S. Department of Agriculture of trying to cut the wages of farm workers who come to the U.S. on temporarily guest worker visas.

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NPR News: Wear Masks To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus, Not Only Others, CDC Stresses

Wear Masks To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus, Not Only Others, CDC Stresses
The public health agency had previously emphasized that masks protect other people from viruses you might expel. The new advice gives a less altruistic reason to wear face-coverings.

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NPR News: From Stinky Cheese To Cat Pee, Author Takes A 'Nose Dive' Into The Science Of Smell

From Stinky Cheese To Cat Pee, Author Takes A 'Nose Dive' Into The Science Of Smell
Harold McGee talks about how smell affects our sense of taste, why things smell the way they do and the ways different chemicals combine to create surprising (and sometimes distasteful) odors.

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NPR News: From Stinky Cheese To Cat Pee, Author Takes A 'Nose Dive' Into The Science Of Smell

From Stinky Cheese To Cat Pee, Author Takes A 'Nose Dive' Into The Science Of Smell
Harold McGee talks about how smell affects our sense of taste, why things smell the way they do and the ways different chemicals combine to create surprising (and sometimes distasteful) odors.

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NPR News: The Dalai Lama Offers A Warning On Climate Change

The Dalai Lama Offers A Warning On Climate Change
NPR's Noel King speaks with exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, about his vision for addressing climate change.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

NASA Science to Host Community Town Hall Meeting

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate will hold a community town hall meeting with Associate Administrator for Science Thomas Zurbuchen and his leadership team at 3 p.m. EST Tuesday, Nov. 17, to discuss updates to NASA’s science programs, share the current status of activities, and roll out the agency’s 2021 NASA Science Planning Guide.

November 10, 2020
from NASA

NPR News: Biden's Climate Change Plans Could Face Serious Challenges In A Divided Congress

Biden's Climate Change Plans Could Face Serious Challenges In A Divided Congress
Climate change is one of the top four crises President-elect Biden says he will tackle first. NPR discusses what step he can take if there is no solid Democratic-majority in the Senate.

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Independent Review Indicates NASA Prepared for Mars Sample Return Campaign

NASA released an independent review report Tuesday indicating the agency is now ready to undertake its Mars Sample Return (MSR) campaign to bring pristine samples from Mars to Earth for scientific study.

November 10, 2020
from NASA

Monday, November 9, 2020

NPR News: Operation Warp Speed's Logistics Chief Weighs In On Vaccine Progress

Operation Warp Speed's Logistics Chief Weighs In On Vaccine Progress
Gen. Gustave Perna says as soon as the FDA deems a vaccine safe and effective, his team is ready to coordinate deployment of tens of millions of doses as early as next month.

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NPR News: Operation Warp Speed's Logistics Chief Weighs In On Vaccine Progress

Operation Warp Speed's Logistics Chief Weighs In On Vaccine Progress
Gen. Gustave Perna says as soon as the FDA deems a vaccine safe and effective, his team is ready to coordinate deployment of tens of millions of doses as early as next month.

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NPR News: As Biotech Crops Lose Their Power, Scientists Push For New Restrictions

As Biotech Crops Lose Their Power, Scientists Push For New Restrictions
Some of the first GMOs – corn and cotton plants that have been genetically modified to fend off insects – are running into problems. Bugs have become resistant to them because they've been overused.

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NPR News: Scientists Find Cells In The Human Brain Responsible For Episodic Memory

Scientists Find Cells In The Human Brain Responsible For Episodic Memory
Many memories are like short movies. People relive experiences such as arriving for the first day of school or falling off a bike. Scientists have shown how the brain organizes these episodes.

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NPR News: Scientists Find Massive Coral Reef In Australia's Great Barrier Reef

Scientists Find Massive Coral Reef In Australia's Great Barrier Reef
The 1,600-foot-tall coral reef is taller than the Empire State Building, and its base is a mile wide. It's the first time in 120 years since a coral reef this size has been discovered.

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NPR News: Mask-Wearing Is Up In The U.S., But Young People Are Still Too Lax, CDC Survey Finds

Mask-Wearing Is Up In The U.S., But Young People Are Still Too Lax, CDC Survey Finds
A general increase in mask-wearing has been encouraging, U.S. public health experts say. But too few young people, especially, are social distancing and taking other steps to slow coronavirus' spread.

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NPR News: 'Kindred' Dismantles Simplistic Views Of Neanderthals

'Kindred' Dismantles Simplistic Views Of Neanderthals
Rebecca Wragg Sykes describes evidence showing that as innovative tool- and fire-makers, Neanderthals adapted to changing climates, adopted symbolic cultural practices and expressed profound emotions.

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NPR News: The Dark Side Of The Recovery Revealed In Big Data

The Dark Side Of The Recovery Revealed In Big Data
The way the government tracks recessions is largely the same as it was 70 years ago. A research group is working to change that and is revealing a lot about the lopsided recovery along the way.

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NPR News: Biden Will Face Major Limits To His Ambitious Climate Plans

Biden Will Face Major Limits To His Ambitious Climate Plans
His sweeping proposals aimed to make the U.S. carbon neutral by 2050. But without a Democratic Senate, Biden may be forced to compromise and do what he can through executive action.

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NPR News: Climate Activists Cheer Biden Win

Climate Activists Cheer Biden Win
President-elect Joe Biden vows to take a very different approach to climate than President Trump did over the last four years.

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NPR News: Flies For Dinner: Purina To Offer Bug Based Dog and Cat Food

Flies For Dinner: Purina To Offer Bug Based Dog and Cat Food
Nestlé, one of the largest food groups in the world, announced this week plans to introduce insect-based dog and cat food in Switzerland. U.S. options to come next year.

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NPR News: In Historic Move, Colorado Voters Decide To Reintroduce Gray Wolves

In Historic Move, Colorado Voters Decide To Reintroduce Gray Wolves
The move challenges a long tradition of leaving wildlife management to governments, not the public. But the vote was narrow, reflecting many people's serious concerns about bringing wolves back.

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NPR News: David Biello: Moving The Dial On Climate Change

David Biello: Moving The Dial On Climate Change
Fighting climate change is a big messy task that will take a lot of work. This hour, TED's Science Curator David Biello joins Manoush to share some promising and fascinating solutions.

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NPR News: U.S. Faces Global Criticism For Ditching Paris Climate Deal

U.S. Faces Global Criticism For Ditching Paris Climate Deal
The United States received a deluge of criticism from national and international organizations for its departure Wednesday from the Paris Agreement.

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NPR News: 'A Refuge From The Roar': Yosemite Welcomes Visitors - No Reservation Necessary

'A Refuge From The Roar': Yosemite Welcomes Visitors - No Reservation Necessary
Yosemite National Park welcomes visitors without reservations for the first time since March.

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NPR News: Gray Wolves To Be Removed From Endangered Species List

Gray Wolves To Be Removed From Endangered Species List
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is removing federal protections for gray wolves in the contiguous U.S., saying the species' recovery is a success. Wildlife groups are promising to sue.

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NPR News: As Biotech Crops Lose Their Power, Scientists Push For New Restrictions

As Biotech Crops Lose Their Power, Scientists Push For New Restrictions
Some of the first GMOs – corn and cotton plants that have been genetically modified to fend off insects – are running into problems. Bugs have become resistant to them because they've been overused.

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NPR News: Wyoming Is Using Dark Money To Help Keep Coal Plants In Other States Open

Wyoming Is Using Dark Money To Help Keep Coal Plants In Other States Open
Wyoming is quietly supporting action elsewhere to preserve its coal-dependent economy. Experts on money in politics say they've never seen this before and find it troubling.

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NPR News: What Stops Western States From Intentional Burning As A Way To Prevent Wildfires?

What Stops Western States From Intentional Burning As A Way To Prevent Wildfires?
Experts agree the Western U.S. needs to increase intentional burns to head off more catastrophic wildfire seasons. But economic, cultural and institutional barriers are in the way.

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NPR News: Power Shut-Offs Become A Way Of Life For Many Californians

Power Shut-Offs Become A Way Of Life For Many Californians
A power company has turned off the electricity in parts of Northern California to prevent equipment from sparking wildfires. Residents are getting used to life without power during fire season.

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NPR News: The Dark Side Of The Recovery Revealed In Big Data

The Dark Side Of The Recovery Revealed In Big Data
The way the government tracks recessions is largely the same as it was 70 years ago. A research group is working to change that and is revealing a lot about the lopsided recovery along the way.

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NPR News: Orange County Fires: 2 Firefighters Critically Injured In Fast-Moving Blazes

Orange County Fires: 2 Firefighters Critically Injured In Fast-Moving Blazes
Strong wind gusts are battering the region, spreading wildfires across Southern California. Officials said the wounded firefighters suffered second- and third-degree burns in the Silverado Fire.

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NPR News: Fight Against Colorado's 2 Largest-Ever Fires Continues, Aided By Snow

Fight Against Colorado's 2 Largest-Ever Fires Continues, Aided By Snow
The fires are burning across more than 400,000 acres and have reached Rocky Mountain National Park.

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New NASA Partnerships to Mature Commercial Space Technologies, Capabilities

NASA has selected 17 U.S. companies for 20 partnerships to mature industry-developed space technologies for the Moon and beyond. The NASA and industry teams will design a 3D printing system for NASA’s Artemis lunar exploration program, test a simple method for removing dust from planetary solar arrays, mature a first-stage rocket recovery system fo

November 09, 2020
from NASA

Sunday, November 8, 2020

NPR News: Astronauts Arrive In Florida To Ready For SpaceX Launch To Space Station

Astronauts Arrive In Florida To Ready For SpaceX Launch To Space Station
Four astronauts are scheduled to take a SpaceX capsule to the International Space Station on Saturday. NASA hopes to demonstrate the safety and reliability of regular crew transportation to the ISS.

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NPR News: Biden Will Face Major Limits To His Ambitious Climate Plans

Biden Will Face Major Limits To His Ambitious Climate Plans
His sweeping proposals aimed to make the U.S. carbon neutral by 2050. But without a Democratic Senate, Biden may be forced to compromise and do what he can through executive action.

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Saturday, November 7, 2020

NPR News: Climate Activists Celebrate Biden Win

Climate Activists Celebrate Biden Win
President-elect Joe Biden vows to take a very different approach to climate than President Trump did over the last four years.

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NPR News: Climate Activists Celebrate Biden Win

Climate Activists Celebrate Biden Win
President-elect Joe Biden vows to take a very different approach to climate than President Trump did over the last four years.

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Friday, November 6, 2020

NPR News: Flies For Dinner: Purina To Offer Bug Based Dog, Cat Food

Flies For Dinner: Purina To Offer Bug Based Dog, Cat Food
Nestlé, one of the largest food groups in the world, announced this week plans to introduce insect-based dog and cat food in Switzerland. U.S. options to come next year.

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NPR News: In Historic Move, Colorado Voters Decide To Reintroduce Gray Wolves

In Historic Move, Colorado Voters Decide To Reintroduce Gray Wolves
The move challenges a long tradition of leaving wildlife management to governments, not voters. But the vote was narrow, reflecting many people's serious concerns about bringing wolves back.

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NPR News: David Biello: Moving The Dial On Climate Change

David Biello: Moving The Dial On Climate Change
Fighting climate change is a big messy task that will take a lot of work. This hour, TED's Science Curator David Biello joins Manoush to share some promising and fascinating solutions.

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NPR News: David Biello: Moving The Dial On Climate Change

David Biello: Moving The Dial On Climate Change
Fighting climate change is a big messy task that will take a lot of work. This hour, TED's Science Curator David Biello joins Manoush to share some promising and fascinating solutions.

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Thursday, November 5, 2020

NPR News: First COVID-19 Vaccine Doses To Go To Health Workers, Say CDC Advisers

First COVID-19 Vaccine Doses To Go To Health Workers, Say CDC Advisers
A team of independent advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a science-based outline for deploying a vaccine when it's ready. The goal is to stop deaths and viral spread fast.

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NPR News: First COVID-19 Vaccine Doses To Go To Health Workers, Say CDC Advisers

First COVID-19 Vaccine Doses To Go To Health Workers, Say CDC Advisers
A team of independent advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a science-based outline for deploying a vaccine when it's ready. The goal is to stop deaths and viral spread fast.

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NPR News: Clots, Strokes And Rashes. Is COVID-19 A Disease Of The Blood Vessels?

Clots, Strokes And Rashes. Is COVID-19 A Disease Of The Blood Vessels?
COVID-19 can cause symptoms that go well beyond the lungs, from strokes to organ failure. To explain these widespread injuries, researchers are studying how the virus affects the vascular system.

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NPR News: Clots, Strokes And Rashes. Is COVID-19 A Disease Of The Blood Vessels?

Clots, Strokes And Rashes. Is COVID-19 A Disease Of The Blood Vessels?
COVID-19 can cause symptoms that go well beyond the lungs, from strokes to organ failure. To explain these widespread injuries, researchers are studying how the virus affects the vascular system.

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NASA Seeks New Partners to Help Put All Eyes on Artemis Moon Missions

NASA is seeking new partners to help the agency tell the story of human exploration at the Moon with the Artemis program in ways that engage, excite, and inspire a worldwide audience.

November 05, 2020
from NASA

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

NPR News: U.S. Faces Global Criticism For Ditching Paris Climate Deal

U.S. Faces Global Criticism For Ditching Paris Climate Deal
The United States faced a deluge of criticism from national and international organizations for its departure of the Paris Climate Agreement Wednesday.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

NPR News: "A Refuge From The Roar" Yosemite Welcomes Visitors - No Reservation Needed

"A Refuge From The Roar" Yosemite Welcomes Visitors - No Reservation Needed
Yosemite National Park welcomes visitors without reservations for the first time since March.

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NPR News: U.S. Officially Leaving Paris Climate Agreement

U.S. Officially Leaving Paris Climate Agreement
The United States is the only country to back out of its promises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. America has contributed more cumulative carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than any other nation.

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NASA TV Coverage Set for First Crew Rotation Flight on US Commercial Spacecraft

NASA will provide coverage of the upcoming prelaunch and launch activities for the agency’s SpaceX Crew-1 mission with astronauts to the International Space Station.

November 03, 2020
from NASA

Monday, November 2, 2020

NASA Awards Contract for Engineering, Technical Support Services

NASA has selected ASRC Federal Systems Solutions of Beltsville, Maryland, to perform engineering and technical support services for Research Facilities and Engineering Support Services (RF&ESS) for the Mission Support Directorate at the agency’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California

November 02, 2020
from NASA