Monday, October 23, 2023

NextSTEP O: Capability Studies for NASA Communications and Navigation Network Direct-to-Earth (DTE) and Lunar Space Relay (LSR) Commercialization Services

Solicitation Number: NNH16ZCQ001K-CIS March 14, 2022 – PresolicitationMarch 29, 2022 – Solicitation ReleasedApril 12, 2022 – Amendment PublishedMay 5, 2022 – Amendment 02 PublishedMay 27, 2022 – Proposals DueOct 11, 2022 – Source Selection Statement Posted | Press Release Solicitation Overview NASA released a solicitation under the Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships-2 (NextSTEP-2) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to seek industry led capability studies to explore […]

October 23, 2023
from NASA

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